Monday, September 23, 2013

We Are Historians

For homework, we were assigned to make our own artifact bags that were related to the subject we were assigned for fieldwork. My fieldwork group was assigned the Declaration of Independence. So, for my artifact bag, I chose to put an old copy of the Declaration of Independence, an old picture of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and for a website, I found a YouTube video for kids all about the Declaration of Independence. We had to bring in our bags and present them to our fieldwork groups as if they were our students. I thought this was a great activity because we all got to experience both becoming the historians and teaching the historians. This is definitely an activity that I want to use in my classroom when teaching social studies. It is really good for the students to become the historians because it teaches them to explore and research on their own rather than just being given the information by the teacher. For the most part, everyone in my group got some of the same artifacts. we all had the same idea in what we wanted our students to find. These were our artifacts:

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