Sunday, December 15, 2013

"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." Henry Adams

Final Blog post and Fieldwork Experience

Learning Outcomes:

  • I have learned how to blog
  • I have learned how to incorporate more technology into my lessons
  • I have learned how to make a live binder
  • I have learned about and how to create Direct, Inquiry, and Cooperative lessons.


  • I succeeded at making Direct, Inquiry, and Cooperative Lessons
  • I succeeded at coming prepared to all classes, and fieldwork
  • I succeeded at finishing all of my work with the best of my ability


  • I failed at keeping up with my blog throughout the whole semester and had to complete it at the end
  • I failed at finishing some assignments on time

How are you different?:
I am different now for a few reasons. For one, I had no idea of all the different types of technology one could incorporate into a lesson, but now I do. Also, I have become a better teacher in general. I was very limited when it came to teaching, because I and only taught to small groups of students. IN this class I had the chance to teach to a whole class, and it was such a different experience.

Insight on peer's teaching:
I was impressed with my peers and how well everyone did. I expected everyone to be so nervous on their first days, and even though I'm sure they were, no one really showed it while teaching. Some groups even had a few glitches while teaching, but never made any of it obvious. The only reason I found out about the glitches was from the group talks we would have in class later that week.

What I learned:
I learned that there are pros and cons to working with peers. Some pros are that you get different ideas that you may have never thought of and you get to see different sales of teaching that you maybe want to use one day. Some cons are that we do have different styles of teaching so sometimes when working together it's hard to agree on things and come to a conclusion on things. But overall, it's good to have your peers to help you and support you.

Essence of Direct, Inquiry and Cooperative Lessons:
Throughout the semester, we had the opportunity to create direct, inquiry and cooperative lesson plans. The direct lessons are important for teaching the students the important information that they need to know. Although, they are not my favorite to teach. I don't like just standing their lecturing the students, just as well as I'm sure they don't like sitting there being lectured. The inquiry lesson, one I much more enjoy teaching, is about presenting the students with a problem and having them solve it. The cooperative lesson, my favorite of them all, is a way for students to learn and review material, as well as practice their social skills.

Current Event Reflection!

For my current events project, I worked with Rachel and Brianna. The process began by looking at some websites that Dr. Smirnova suggested to us; Newsela and Tweentribune. To help us fin an article to use in class, Dr. Smrinova told us to look for something that had to do with what we learning in class, which was geography. She also suggested that we use a treasure hunt as our style of teaching. So, we found four interesting articles that were local, national, or international news. The four articles were:

"Robbery Attempt Preceded Ice Rink Shooting, Police Say"

Brianna started off the lesson by getting an understanding of what the students already knew. She asked them about the different types of news. First was global news. The students gave Brianna a variety of answers. The definition we used for it was "Global news is news that takes place in different countries and places around the world. examples- China, Europe, Philippines". The next type of news was State News. Again, Brianna received many answers and then supported the students by giving our definition: "state news is news that takes place in a certain state. examples- New York, Texas, Florida". The final type of news that Brianna discussed with the class was local news. After given different answers, she gave them the definition, which is "Local- news is news that takes place in a local area or region. example- Manhattan, Newburgh." After going over the different types of news, Brianna then went over the different types of maps that these would be found on.
When Brianna was done explaining the different types of news and the different types of maps, I discussed with the students the students the directions for the activity. We decided to split the class up into four groups. Each group was given all four articles and a sheet with a few phrases on them. The goal of the treasure hunt was to find which article your phrases were in. Each group was given about ten minutes to research their article. They were also asked to present their findings at the end. Rachel explained to them what they would have to present. We asked them to present what article they had, what it was about and whether it was local, national or international news. We also asked them to come up and point to which map the article would be found under.
The class seemed to enjoy this lesson and I enjoyed it as well. I think this is a great way to teach  a lesson and a lot of fun. The students get to become researchers and learn to both work with others but also how to research an article. After doing this project, I will definitely be using this activity in my classroom when I am a teacher. The students are definitely engaged and learning while having fun. They learn social skills as well as metacognitive skills.

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." - Albert Einstein

Week 11:

Monday 11/4/13

Today was my final day teaching at Bishop Dunn. Our lesson today was a cooperative lesson on the Declaration of Independence. We were back in the regular classroom today. The lesson started off by describing the 5 parts of the Declaration: 1) the introduction, 2) the preamble, 3) the indictment, 4) the denunciation, and 5) the conclusion. We also described to the students the cooperative learning style by talking about PIGS. Some vocabulary words we went over were:rights, values, responsibility and freedom. After that, we split the class into 5 groups. Each group was assigned a different part of the Declaration to create. The students were creating a declaration to declare freedom from their parents. My group and I worked on the introduction. When very group was done, the students read their part of the declaration to the class. This was definitely a fun activity to do and the students definitely loved it. At the end, the students were given an evaluation sheet to evaluate how the other group members did. We also collected the declarations so we could put them all together and hand them out to the students at out next visit.
I think we taught our best during this lesson. We weren't as nervous and we were used to the students by now so it made it much easier to just relax, and teach. Also, this was such a fun lesson to teach. I think I was just as excited if not more excited than the students to create our own declaration!

Here are the links to:
Lesson Plan
Evaluation Sheet

Wednesday 11/6/13

It's amazing. Just like that, our fieldwork experience is over. Today was our last day in Mrs. Benfer's class. Instead of splitting everyone into groups, the whole fourth grade class met in the computer lab along with every group of teachers. In the start of the class, each group asked the students a few questions about what they learned just to jog their memory a bit. After that, the students all took a post-assessment test. We are all so lucky that not only Mrs. Benfer, but that Bishop Dunn allows us to come into their school and get some fieldwork experience. I learned so much from this experience. Before now, I had only worked in small groups with students. This was my first time teaching to a whole class, and it is definitely different than just with a few students. At the end of the class, when all of the students had finished their post-assessment test, the teachers all stood in the front of the classroom and we thanked all of the students for letting us come in on their classroom and for not only letting us teach them, but for all that they taught us. We also made certificates for all of the students congratulating them on their jobs well done! I'm sad the fieldwork experience is over but I am so thankful for all that I learned!

And So The teaching Begins!

Week 9:

Wednesday: 10/23/13

Today we did another current events presentation. Chrissy, Katrina and Amanda did their current events on adding thirty minutes of physical activity to the school day. They used debates to teach this presentation. The class was split into two groups, for and against the thirty minutes. I was on the side that was for the thirty minutes of physical activity. I was happy to be put on this side because I really was for the physical activity. I think it could only help students and not harm them in anyway. The next generations are heading towards obesity and we need to fix that. Also, physical activity helps motivate the students. I think the idea of debates for teaching is great. It is a great way for students to learn to work collaboratively and to learn how to give their opinion!

Week 10:

Monday 10/28/13

Today was the first day of fieldwork for my group. It was very exciting, as well as nerve-racking. I could barely sleep the night before I was so nervous. Our first lesson was a direct lesson about the causes and effects of the Declaration of Independence. We made and handed out packets for the students to follow along with and fill-in during our powerpoint presentation. We started off the lesson by pre-assessing the student's knowledge about what led up to the colonists writing the Declaration. We then presented the reasons as to why the colonists were angry (the causes). After, we discussed what a declaration is. When done with that, we explained the outcomes of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, as well as a SMARTboard activity that asked the students to decide if the statements at the bottom of the screen were a cause or an effect. We were going to also show a video about the causes of the Declaration of Independence but due to time limitations, we were not able to. Once done with the activity, we closed the lesson by recapping what the students learned that day. I think we did alright for our first day of teaching. We also handed out a quiz for the students to do for homework.  There was definitely room for improvement and hopefully for our next lesson we will improve!

Here are the links to our:
Powerpoint presentation
Lesson PLan

Friday 11/1/13

Today was our second day of teaching. Today's lesson was an inquiry instructed lesson plan. This lesson was based on learning more about the authors of the Declaration of Independence. We were in the computer lab for this activity. At the start of the lesson, we went over what we learned the class before. Mrs. Benfer was not there last time, so we asked the students to share with her what they learned. We had someone from the other groups walk through the door after the students were done telling Mrs. Benfer what they learned with an envelope saying they had an important message for us. I took the letter and read aloud it aloud to the class. The letter was asking the students to help find the 5 statues missing from the museum in the American Revolution section. We first demonstrated what we wanted the students to do. We had a folder with five pictures, three hints, and a sheet to fill out. The students were split into groups and each group received a folder and worked with a teacher to figure out who their statue was. They were first asked to make a hypothesis on who they believed it was based on their three hints. Once they made their hypothesis, they did some research on the computer to see if their hypothesis was correct. After they were done with their research, and filling out their sheet, each group presented what statue they found. I really enjoyed this activity and I think the students did as well. I also think we improved a lot in our teaching this time. Part of it was probably because we had feedback from others from our first lesson and had some ideas of what to change. The other part was probably because we were working in groups. I know for me, I always feel some pressure taken off my shoulders when I get to work in small groups with children.

Here are the links to our:
Lesson PLan
Detective Worksheet

"The teacher is the one who gets the most out of the lessons, and the true teacher is the learner" - Elbert Hubbard

Week 8

Monday October 14, 2013:

There was no fieldwork today. Bishop Dunn had off for COlumbus day, so we met in the classroom instead. We used this time in the classroom to discuss how groups one and two did on their first two lessons. We also had time to work in our groups to finish other lesson plans. We haven't taught any lessons yet, so we are still working on our first lesson, the direct lesson. I like being able to meet in the classroom because we are all there to talk about it and can talk to other groups to see if they have any advice for us. Also, by being in the classroom, Dr. Smirnova is there to help us with any questions that we need.

Wednesday October 16, 2013:

On of the assignments for this class is to do a current event activity. in groups of three, we have to teach a current event lesson to the classroom as if they are elementary school students. Kristen, Christina, and Courtney were the first to go. They sent out an article for the whole class to read before we met today. Their article was a fourth grade level article on the government shutdown. The main idea of their lesson was researching the article using the 5 w's: Who, What, Where, When, and Why. After going over the 5 w's, we were asked to fill out a worksheet based on the reading. After filling out the worksheet, we were asked to switch our paper with another classmate and write a paragraph based on the information they found. They then had a representative from each group come up and fill in a part of the worksheet on the white board. Once, everyone had written their part down, they asked the whole class if we agreed or disagreed with the answers. I really enjoyed this activity!

Friday October 18, 32013:

Today was groups one and two's final days of fieldwork. That means next time, it's my turn. Both groups did a cooperative lesson. Group one had the class split into four groups. Each group was given a vocabulary word (artisan, merchant, manor, apprentice). The group members had to come up with a definition for this vocal word. After each group had said their definition, and the teachers ad gone over social skills that should be present when working together, the groups each did a "secret presentation." The four secret presentations were a skit, a song, and acrostic poem and an advertisement. Overall, I think this was a fun activity for the students and they really worked well with each other.
For group two's cooperative lesson plan, they split the class up into four groups and gave each group a folder. Each folder had a picture from the American Revolution. The goal of the activity was to figure out what picture they had and at the end make a big timeline. The students were able to realize when their event happened in comparison with the rest of the class and were able to finish the timeline. Definitely a fun activity for the students and group two did avery good job with the lesson!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Start of It All

Week 7:

Monday October 7, 2013

Today was our first day of fieldwork with Mrs. Benfer's 4th grade class at Bishop Dunn MemorialSchool. Groups 1 and 2 taught today. The 4th grade class was split up into two groups. One group stayed in the classroom with group 1 and the other group went into the computer lab with group 2. Each group taught for 25 minutes and then the students switched, so every student got to learn each groups lesson.
My group, group 3, first sat in on group1's lesson. Their first lesson was a direct lesson plan about Colonial New York.  They used a Prezi for their lesson. Throughout the lesson, they had the students following along with the Prezi on a packet. There were blanks in the packet so that the students could fill them in. At the end of the Prezi, the teachers had the students do a SMARTboard activity. I think the teachers did a great job. It was our first day of fieldwork so it is expected that everyone will be nervous, but group 1 did not show any hint of nervousness! 
When group 1 was done teaching their first lesson, my group and I switched to group 2 so we could watch them teach. Their first lesson was a direct lesson on the American Revolution. They started off with a Schoolhouse Rock video that the students definitely enjoyed. After the video, they had a power point presentation about the American Revolution. The teachers gave out a graphic organizer to the students so that could follow along with the powerpoint. Finally, the teachers used a vortex sort activity on the SMARTboard. The students were each given a laminated flag, one side was the colonists flag, the other the British flag. The vortex activity had statements and the students had to raise either the British flag or the Colonist flag up, which ever one they thought was the right answer.
I loved being able to sit and watch both groups teach today. I am so excited t finally teach, but I am definitely thankful that I get to watch these groups first. I have and will learn a lit from them so I can be the best teacher I can be!

Wednesday OCtober 9, 2013

Today in class we went over how groups one and two did in fieldwork on monday. By listening to what they had to say and what Dr. Smirnova had to say, I learned a lot for when I start my fieldwork.

Friday October 11, 2013

We were in Mrs. Benfer's class again today. Once again, group's one and two taught, while group three (my group) and group four observed. Today, both groups did an inquiry lesson. Group one did an artifact bag. I thought this was a great idea and the students really enjoyed it. I really liked how they first went over hat an artifact bag was and what the students could learn from it. Before starting the activity, the teachers demonstrated what the students would have to do. Once the students discovered their artifacts and did some research, they presented their findings. 
Group two did a bar code treasure hunt to help them solve a problem. They first asked the students if they were familiar with the Scientific method and showed them how it could apply not only to science but also their lesson today. They then had a voki of George Washington giving them the problem they needed to solve. The students were split up into groups to find out the what questions they had to answer after scanning the bar code. Once each group was done, the students presented their findings and helped solve the problem! I think the teachers did a great job with this lesson and I know the students definitely enjoyed it. There was a lot of time limitations for each lesson but if there wasn't I would have liked it if the teachers also demonstrated first how to do the activity. Other than that, they did great and once again I learned so much from.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Scanning Into The Future

Week 6:

Monday September 30, 2103:

Today in class we learned about this awesome app for the iPhone/iPad called "Bar Code". This app is free and extremely easy to use. It turns your phone into a scanner. We used them in the classroom as part of a treasure hunt. There were numbered folders set up all around the classroom. Each folder had a bar code inside for us to scan. When we scanned each barcode, a question appeared on our phone. The questions were based on our lesson from the previous week, cooperative learning. We were split into groups to go on a "hunt" for these questions. Each member in the groups was given a certain role to play such as time keeper, scanner, recorder and researcher. I was a researcher  There were some multiple-choice questions, some true/false and some short answer. This activity is a great way to incorporate technology into the classroom. 
I think this activity would be great to use in my own classroom because besides the technology use, children learn many things from it. They learn to work together in groups and how important each persons role is in the activity. It also teaches the students how to research things on their own in different ways.

Wednesday October 2, 2013

Today in class we separated into our fieldwork groups to work on our lesson plans. This was great because my group and I hadn't really met yet to really talk about what we were going to do. We got to talk today though and come up with some ideas of what we would for our first lesson plan, which would be a cooperative lesson plan. Working with other people I learned how we all have different ideas and how much of a better lesson we could make by putting them all together.

Friday October 4, 2013

Today was our first day of fieldwork at Bishop Dunn Memorial School and it was very exciting. We were able to get into Mrs. Benfers fourth grade class room, the classroom we will be doing all of our fieldwork in.We were able to meet all the students and get a little taste of who we will be teaching. We went around in our groups and introduced ourselves to the students. At each table, we did a little pre-assessment of the student's knowledge on the Declaration of Independence and had them write some ideas down of what they think is on the D.O.I. I was excited to find out that a good number of students actually knew a lot about the D.O.I. It was very helpful meeting with them all because we got a better understanding of who was going to have a little more trouble with the subject and it gave us an idea of how to design the lessons to help both them and the other students. I am definitely excited for when it's my groups time to teach, but in the meantime I will be excited to watch the other groups teach as well.